May 5, 2021
Red is the official colour of the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIW) campaign. Wearing the colour red is something easy we can do to show our support. The colour red is believed to be the only colour that spirits can see. By wearing red, the spirits of the women and girls can be called back and laid to rest. According to the 2019 National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, the high rates of violence are from colonialism, discrimination, and genocide. This reports addresses the historical and intergenerational trauma, social and economic marginalization, maintaining the status quo, and ignoring the expertise of Indigenous women, girls and 2SLGBTQQIA people. Prairie Circular Economy supports everyone being able to raise their children and live their lives in safety. We encourage everyone to learn more about this day and what it means. Prairie Circular Economy supports efforts of reconciliation and decolonizing approaches to end systemic racism and violence.
Here at Prairie Circular Economy, we can help you become a leader in your community. Contact us for a free discovery call and we can work together.