PTSD and Sustainability

I recently finished “What my bones know” by Stephanie Foo. This book is a memoir of healing from complex trauma, from C-PTSD. It was an emotional roller coaster. Honestly, I do appreciate that it came with a warning that it would be emotional but to stick with it as it has a happy ending. Probably this is the only book I’ve ever read that I’ve appreciated knowing the end has a happy ending.

This book is a journey from childhood traumatic events to adulthood, getting a diagnosis, and a journey of healing. It is a powerful memoir that leaves us hopeful for better at the end. It gives us an intimate view of C-PTSD and the emotions and triggers associated with it. There is facts within the book that give credibility to the information. It is encouraging to learn that healing from trauma is life long and not a fixed goal. Having a powerful and honest memoir of C-PTSD give us an understanding of something unknown. It gives a personal face and name to this for us to learn.


C-PTSD is complex post traumatic stress disorder. It differs from PTSD as it C-PTSD is from a series of traumatic events over months or years and PTSD is from a single traumatic event. We are familiar with soldiers having a traumatic event and getting PTSD. The symptoms of C-PTSD are different from PTSD. As illustrated the image below from

I hope that receiving therapy from Psychologists or Psychiatrists is easy to find. No one should be limited to find mental health therapy. This should not be limited to those who can afford it. I am grateful to hear more about mental health issues. They are not more common it is encouraging that we are talking about them. We know that our recent pandemic was a traumatic event for us and that has brought mental health issues and discussions out into the open.

Mind and Body

Our brain and mind is part of us like any other organ. This is a philosophers dream to discuss the mind and body distinction. Where does the mind and brain differ in their function and impact. Really as we are connected to our bodies and our brain, it makes sense that there would be a connection between them. If our brains are constantly stressed that would definitely have a physical impact on our bodies.

Quite simply, it is silly to imagine that our brains would not need some help. Sometimes, our teeth need to be brushed and have regular visits to the Dentist, even if we don’t want to. Our eyes need to regularly see an Optometrist. Other times, we need to see a medical Doctor when there is something hurting in our bodies. If our minds are “being difficult” then we should be able to easily go to a Psychologists, Psychiatrists, or a Councilor. Also, as children are growing we could also be concerned with their mental health growth.


What is the connection between sustainability, C-PTSD, and PTSD? Sustainability includes the environment, economics, and social issues. These 3 areas affect each other. Improvement to one area improves the other areas. Interestingly, when we have mentally healthy people then we can be responsible for our resources and economy. Being able to have open and honest conversations leads to trust in our collaborations. That trust leads to more successful projects and activities.

At at recent visit to a Winnipeg Public Library, I noticed this sign. Honestly, 211 is an easy phone number to remember when someone is struggling. The poster is from United Way Winnipeg.

Here at Prairie Circular Economy, I can help you become a sustainability leader in your community. Contact us for a free discovery call and we can work together.